Sunday, May 23, 2010

Church and Trips

Okay, the family has chosen Cancun for vacation this year. I will be leaving from the conference to go straight there! :) I am excited to get to use my Passport for more than employment identification. :)

So, I will be flying into Omaha on Thursday June 3, around 11:30 p.m. I hope to get to see some of you on Friday!! Kenessa will pick me up at the airport and I will stay with her Thursday night. Around 10:30 a.m. Friday I will be with Alicia, and we will pick up Kari for lunch! :) Then I hang with Curt and I will be staying in Ames with Curt that night and he will drive me back down to the conference start on Saturday morning! :)

I am also down to two churches. The Falls Church which was Episcopalian and is now just Anglican, and the Annandale United Methodist. I am currently attending both. I am praying for guidance to the right church! Please pray for me too!

I have also started going to the gym... FINALLY. And I started swimming laps at the local pool the family has a membership at. So, I hope to be fit in no time. There is also a Tae Kwon Do place across the street from my gym that I may take classes at. Curt has me interested. :) I will check that out when I get back from Cancun. I miss you guys and am glad I get to see some of you in a few days!

Miss you and love you guys!!!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Now and Coming Up

Not too much is going on but I thought I would let you know what is coming up... :)

I will be working on this blog to add pictures and make it look great and inviting...a place where you might actually want to visit to see what is going on! :) I will update more later.

I really enjoy listening to Nate Fowler while I write and work on ideas for the blog. I just discovered him last night when he friended me on Twitter. :) Oh and "friended" should totally be a word!

I joined Gold's Gym. They have a lot of classes... now I just need to go!!! They have Zumba, which I will be going to at 11:15 on Saturday, spin classes, and so much more... I could definitely get fit if I just hit one class a day I am sure... LOL...

A lot of things are coming up soon!!!
This weekend I will probably have made a final decision on a church! In a few short weeks I will be headed back to Iowa for Annual Conference in Des Moines. I may be able to catch up with one or two of you... LOLOLOL. I am excited to see Janice and Pastor and Corey for certain! :)

I will be flying down on Friday, June 4, the conference starts on Saturday morning, and back out Tuesday evening, the conference ends Tuesday, June 8, at noon. Curt said he might be able to come down to Des Moines to hang out... I am trying to get him to come back to DC with me ;) A lot, however, depends on what S and R decide to do for vacation.

They will be heading to Bermuda (that is the plan so far) that same weekend and they may fly me down after the conference. I really like that option. Bad timing Iowa Conference!!!! I could have definitely gone to Bermuda! And I already have the shorts!! ;);)

Well talk to y'all later!! Miss you guys!



Okay, so yesterday Chuckles was cranky. It is hard for him since he is teething and wont sleep. LOL anyhoo, two really funny things happened.

One: we have two dogs in this household. He tripped over one and landed sitting in the dog's water dish! HILARIOUS!! He just sat there with a confused look on his face! priceless!

Two: I had to get dinner started since it was beef stew (such a beef stew kind of day) so I put him in his little chair thing and turned the TV on for 10-15 minutes while I started dinner. It was also time for Chuckles to eat his dinner so I had prepared that too. I came back into the Living Room and turned off the TV. He started to fuss! Since he doesn't really watch TV I found this humorous. Then I reached in to pull him out of his chair and he decided to throw a tantrum. He had his water bottle and dropped it right on his head! Trying so hard not to laugh because A) he had hurt himself and B) he shouldn't have been throwing a tantrum in the first place, I pulled him out and consoled him.... STILL HILARIOUS!!! Hopefully he learned something about tantrums!! LOL

Also a funny thing I seem to do... when I look at the clock and think, "oh, Chuckles will be down for at least another half hour" then the monitor tells me he is awake... and I just stare at the monitor thinking "seriously?" Then I think, "yeah staring at the monitor makes perfect sense!!!" LOLOLOLOL...

Have a good day all! God Bless!!


Monday, May 17, 2010

Long Time

Whoops! I didn't mean to wait so long to write again! Okay, here is the news, although not a lot is really going on.

"Work": I put the word "work" in quotes because I really don't think of it as work. I really enjoy what I do! Chuckles is amazing! He really is a good kid! :) Right now we are trying to work on colors, just the basics for now and 1-5 and a little bit of the alphabet song. He really doesn't care about this stuff right now so it is a bit of a struggle. LOL. Nothing too big. He is a very active 16 month old so getting him to sit for any period of time is interesting. We (the family and I) are considering the YourBabyCanRead program. I have looked up reviews and several say it works great, some say it just teaches kids how to memorize and one review says it hasn't helped at all... hmmmm... I will be discussing it further with the family tonight. We are also considering taking Charlie to Little Gym. It is a program that teaches kids balance and coordination and as they get older it is like gymnastics. I think this would be really good as Chuckles likes to climb everything and balance would be a great help there! The dilemma becomes do we keep him in Gymboree?

Social: I have gotten moved into my living area, I will post pictures later for y'all to see.. they will be off my phone so don't expect much detail! LOL when I get a camera I will take better pics! I went to the Smithsonian last week which was a lot of fun. I took the Metro for the first time and it was WAY better than LA!!!!! Public transportation in the DC area is way better! :) I also got a chance to catch up with Stacy from High School! :) It was a good time. Soon I hope to be able to catch up with Brooks too! I hope some of you come visit me! :) I miss ya!

Church: I have church narrowed down to a couple. One I really like is 45 minutes away. Not a long distance compared to the two hours I was driving in Iowa, however, it is hard to get involved when you are that far away. So I have looked at a couple more local ones. I will be doing my last looking for a while here this coming Sunday so I should have an answer in a fortnight! :)

I miss you guys, keep in touch! I love you and God Bless!!
