Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Unconditional Love, Unending Forgiveness

To all reading this:  This is raw, unedited, uncensored, and unquestionably full of grammatical errors.

Tonight, I was sitting around, watching a TV show on Netflix, burning CDs into my iTunes and drinking a glass of red wine when Pup asked to go out.  Now, selfishly I was watching a show, downloading CDs into iTunes and enjoying a glass of wine, yet I hopped right up and said to Pup: "oh, do you wanna go outside?  outside?"  At that moment it hit me.  Here I was, having a delightfully lackadaisical evening, when I was willing to put that aside for a second to hop up off the floor and let the dog out.  Happily.  Now, that just isn't like me.

Yes, I am that selfish girl, who, when alone, likes to just relax and have some "me" time.  Well, here's the rub; "it ain't all about me!"  I know that letting the dog out seems like such a silly way to remember that, but I jumped up so willingly.

The other day I was talking to my dad about someone I had to forgive.  He felt that I could not move forward in my faith unless I truly forgave this person.  I got defensive, and told Dad that I did forgive this person, time and time again.  I told Dad that I referred to this person as my 7 x 70 (Matthew 18:22).  Dad then told me, that I had not really committed to this forgiveness, as I had not told the person I had forgiven them.  Now, to put this in perspective, I had been angry with this person for most of my life.  For Daddy to tell me that I had not done all that was necessary to forgive this person made me angry.  But, tonight, when I let Pup out, I thought back to this conversation with my dad.  Where is my love for this person, who I felt had wronged me unjustly.  Where was my willingness to jump up off the floor and tell this person I forgive and love them, as Jesus has loved me.  As God has told me to love not just those people I like, but those I do not like. (Matthew 5:43-48) I do not consider this person an enemy, but if I am to look at an enemy with love...

This is not the only example that came to mind when I let Pup out.  It is, however, the biggest one.  I find it amazing how God can take one little, seemingly insignificant, action in your life and turn it into a lesson.  My dad is my most trusted friend, my most trustworthy earthly counselor.  I know, that when I go to my dad, he may not give me the answer I want, he may not give the answer he likes, but he always gives an answer he believes is the best for my welfare.  He knows I may not always take his advice, but he loves me anyway.  He allows me to make my own decisions, even though I may get hurt.  He stands by, when I do get hurt, to lend a shoulder to cry on, or to be a metaphorical punching bag.  He forgives me, even when I don't deserve it.  He loves me, even when I don't deserve it.  He is always there for me, even when I don't deserve it.  He doesn't always like me, or my actions, but he ALWAYS loves me.  He always loves me, even when I don't deserve it!

I have heard some discussion, on why God should not be referred to as "Father".  To me, this is hard to accept.  My dad is not perfect.  But he exhibits love.  Have you ever heard the song "Daddy's Hands"?  Well, here is the chorus:
Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin',
Daddy's hands were hard as steel when I'd done wrong.
Daddy's hands weren't always gentle
But I've come to understand
There was always love in Daddy's hands.

With a Dad like that, it is not hard to understand how God is a father.  He may not always give you what you want, but a good daddy, will always give you what you need.  Is there someone in your life like that?

I do not know anyone whom I fight with more than my dad, yet, going two days without talking to him seems like an eternity.  What is our relationship with God like?  Do we miss him when we don't speak for a day or two?  Why not?  I go crazy not talking to my dad, even when what he has to say angers me or makes me uncomfortable.  Is there a lesson to be learned even when we don't want to hear it?  God loves us no matter what.  He doesn't promise us a rose garden.  (Okay, another country song reference, but it pertains, honest.)  What God does promise us is that He is here.  Whatever we are going through, God loves us, and is here for us.

It feels like an awful lot to get out of just letting the dog out, but who am I to question how God speaks to me?  I have taken steps to meet with the person I need to forgive.  I have not loved this person I need to forgive.  God loves me, and I am to love others, no matter what!

Friends, love is not always easy.  Forgiveness is not always easy.  But with God, all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

Our God is an Awesome God!!

God Bless,


P.S.  I wrote this from the heart, when it happened.  It was emotional to write and it is hard to hit "publish".  I don't know why it was important for me to blog this experience, but it was.
I knew of scripture references, but wasn't sure where in the Bible they were.  At the conclusion of this post I noticed that, clearly, this was a lesson in Matthew.

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